
What does a Ear Specialist do?

What does a Ear Specialist do?
0 May 13, 2022
feeling dizzy

Otolaryngology is a specialisation in the medical field, they are doctors with multi-faceted skills who have the knowledge to treat patients with ears, nose and throat (ENT) conditions. Hence, they are mostly known as ENT specialists. However, this blog post will focus on sharing about ear specialists. As the name suggests, ear specialists are doctors that mainly treat ear conditions and this falls under the umbrella of ENT conditions. They carry out evaluation and tests on patients with ear problems, provide counselling and rehabilitation for hearing loss as well as carry out surgical treatments.

For most of us, we may not have knowledge about any ENT or even ear conditions. So, this post will share with you some of the common ear ailments that people have.

  1. Tinnitus
  2. Vertigo
  3. Ear infection
  4. Ear blockage
  5. Hearing loss


It is hearing sounds from inside your body rather than outside. These sounds can vary from buzzing, humming to whistling and can be termed as ‘ringing in the ears’. There are many causes of this condition such as inner ear damage, underlying health conditions, earwax buildup etc. Though it varies from person to person, it may only be considered as a minor irritation but for some people, it may affect concentration and sleep which will impact their daily lives.

Common symptoms

Mainly noises in the ears – buzzing, humming, grinding, hissing, whistling, roaring and others

Although tinnitus is often not serious,it can occasionally be due to serious underlying conditions. This is especially so if the tinnitus is persistent,occurs only in one ear and associated with often ear symptoms such as giddiness,ear fullness and hearing loss.If in doubt, it is advisable to see your ear, nose, throat (ENT) surgeon for a diagnosis and seek treatment.

How to treat it?

As earwax buildup may be a cause of tinnitus, it would help to get rid of earwax. Hearing aids are also another method to help reduce the noise. For patients with prolonged tinnitus, they can go for treatments like the Neuromonics Tinnitus Treatment (NTT).

Preventive measure

Reduce exposure to loud noises, turn down the volume when listening to music, limit alcohol, smoking and caffeine.


This is a form of giddiness and is associated with the feeling of spinning or rotating. It may be caused by the imbalance in the ear, inner ear infection etc. However, it might also be caused by brain related problems such as a tumour or injury to the brain.

Common symptoms

Vomiting, abnormal eye movement, sweating, headache, hearing loss

When getting a check from your ENT specialists, there are several giddiness and balance assessment tests that may be performed on you.

How to treat it?

There are medical and surgical treatments available.People with recurring vertigo may benefit from vestibular rehabilitation that can help strengthen their vestibular system.

Preventive measure

In certain conditions, such as Meniere’s Disease,vertigo attacks can be prevented by avoiding extensive salty food and caffeine.


Ear Infection

Ear infection is the inflammation of the ear which can occur in the inner, middle or outer ear. Children are more prone to getting middle ear infections compared to adults.

Common symptoms

Ear pain, ear discharge, itch, headache, trouble hearing.

You are encouraged to visit your ENT clinic for treatment if the symptoms are persistent.

How to treat it?

The doctor will usually prescribe medication to get rid of the inflammation. For less severe cases, there are some home remedies that can help alleviate the pain. One method is to place a cool or warm compress on your ear. Another method is to sleep propped up by a stack of pillows. There are also OTC pain relievers that you can get from your local pharmacy.

Preventive measure

Avoid unnecessary self cleaning of the ear as the external ear normally has self-cleansing properties.

Ear Blockage

Ear blockage is the uncomfortable feeling of the ears being clogged. This is commonly caused by accumulation of earwax. Another common cause would be due to sinus, flu or nasal allergies that cause blockage in the eustachian tube.

Common symptoms

Reduction in hearing capabilities, feeling of fluid in ears, pain, popping or ringing in ears.

How to treat it?

To get rid of ear wax, use ear drops to soften the ear wax before removing it. Avoid using cotton tips or swabs to get rid of your ear wax. As for blockage caused by common cold or allergies, there are some natural remedies such as using steam, warm compress and essential oils to alleviate the discomfort. If you suspect that you may have an ear disorder, it is encouraged that you visit your ear specialist and tests will be conducted to check your ear pressure and hearing to get a diagnosis.

Preventive measure

Do not stick anything into your ears to clean them, instead just use cotton swab to clean your outer ear.

Hearing Loss

Hearing loss can happen across all age groups, be it young or old. It is an ear condition that may be caused by a birth defect, illness, age-related and other factors. Occasionally, hearing loss can be due to serious causes such as a tumour of the hearing nerve or nose cancer. There are four levels of hearing loss, mild, moderate, severe and profound. Hearing loss is broadly categorised into two groups:

  1. Sensorineural hearing loss – usually permanent damage to the inner ear or auditory nerves
  2. Conductive hearing loss – usually temporary, happens when soundwaves cannot reach the inner ear probably due to earwax buildup, punctured eardrum etc.

Common symptoms

Having trouble hearing, missing out on certain frequencies of sounds especially high-pitched sounds.

You are advised not to ignore hearing loss problems and to to seek the advice of your ear specialist if you or your family member is experiencing hearing loss.

How to treat it?

Generally, ear disorders can be treated medically, surgically or using technology such as hearing aids and ear implants.

Preventive measure

Avoid prolonged exposure to excessively loud noise as noise-induced (including leisure noise) hearing loss is one of the commonest causes of inner ear damage.

Elderly Ear Checks

If you are having any ear conditions listed above, do not hesitate to book an appointment with your ear specialist in Singapore to get your ears checked. It is very important, especially for children, that these ear conditions are properly treated before permanent damage occurs.

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