
Ear Blockage

Ear Blockage

Ear blockage is a general feeling of congestion in the ear canal. This can be experienced in many ways – a popping in the ear, a reduction in hearing capabilities, or the overall sensation that there is mucus or liquid in the ear.

What are the causes of ear blockage?

Ear blockage could simply be an issue of the accumulation of earwax. It could also be a side effect of a cold, allergies or sinus congestion. However, it could also be an indicator of external, middle or inner ear disorders, or a symptom of Eustachian tube blockage.

What should I do?

If you are concerned about ear blockage, consult a doctor. Besides ear investigations such as audiolograms (for hearing) and tympanograms (for middle ear pressure), flexible nasal endoscopy (an almost painless procedure performed after the application of local anaesthetic spray) may be recommended to exclude lesions blocking the Eustachian tube opening in the nose.

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