Central Auditory Processing Disorder (CAPD)

Auditory processing is the efficiency and effectiveness of the central nervous system in processing and utilizing auditory information, for example, speech. CAPD is a disorder that affects this processing, even if hearing is normal. In other words, what a person hears and what the brain interprets might not be the same.
Symptoms of CAPD:
CAPD affects both adult and children. The commonly reported symptoms are:
o Difficulty understanding speech in background noise
o Difficulty following complex instructions
o Frequent requests for repetition
o Difficulty in reading, writing and spelling
o Poor attention or concentration
o Difficulty localizing sounds
Diagnosis of CAPD:
Diagnosis of CAPD is made through a series of specialized tests designed to assess various auditory functions of the brain. These assessments are performed by our in-house Audiologists to establish the profile of a person’s listening skills. The tests are typically carried out over two appointments of approximately two hours each, after normal hearing is confirmed. CAPD tests are only suitable for adults and children 7 years and above.
Treatment for CAPD:
The type of treatment recommended will depend on a person’s listening profile as shown in the test results. Recommendations may include auditory training to address specific weaknesses, enhancing language and cognitive resources, and environmental modifications to improve the acoustics of listening situations.