When you have an ear problem, you might have heard the term ear specialist, or otologist. These are the physicians who specialise in ear disorder diagnosis and treatment. This might very well be crucial to your quality of life. From managing hearing loss to correcting balance disorders, ear specialist Singapore are essentially key doctors that help you keep your ears fit. Here, we will outline what an ear specialist does and what many conditions the professional will treat.
What is an Ear Specialist?
An ear specialist is also called an otologist; he is a medical doctor with specialised knowledge on the anatomy of the ear as well as the related function. Otolaryngology, or ENT for short, has a subfield named otology – it represents the medical science dealing with disorders related to hearing as well as balance issues in one way or another involving the ears. Whereas ENT doctors manage diverse conditions in those regions, otologists are particularly trained so that they are able to determine and handle disorders that affect the ears specifically. Ear specialists have tremendous medical expertise, with medical school followed by several years of residency and fellows training in otology. This enables them to manage common and not so ordinary conditions of the ear, making medical and surgical intervention available where appropriate.
Common Conditions Treated b
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Hearing is a vital sense that connects us to the world around us, allowing us to communicate, enjoy music, and stay aware of our surroundings. However, for many individuals, the ability to hear clearly can diminish over time due to various factors. In this article, we’ll explore the causes, symptoms, and treatment options for hearing loss Singapore, with a focus on the services provided by Novena ENT in Singapore.
Causes of Hearing Loss
Hearing loss can result from a combination of genetic predispositions, environmental factors, medical conditions, and traumatic incidents. Genetic factors may make certain individuals more susceptible to hearing loss, while exposure to loud noises over time can damage the delicate structures of the inner ear, leading to noise-induced hearing loss.
As individuals age, they may experience presbycusis, a type of hearing loss commonly associated with the natural ageing process. Medical conditions such as otosclerosis, Meniere’s disease, and autoimmune inner ear disease can also contribute to hearing impairment. Additionally, head injuries or trauma to the ear can cause sudden or gradual hearing loss.
Symptoms and Types of Hearing Loss